Sasso Marconi is the first town we encounter in the hilly area of the Bolognese Apennines. Totally immersed in nature, surrounded by mountains and the Reno river, it owes its very particular name to Guglielmo Marconi, the Nobel Prize winner for physics, father of the radiotelegraph.

The history of Sasso Marconi is very ancient, since numerous remains dating back to the Etruscan and Roman era have been found such as the aqueduct which has remained almost perfectly preserved up to the present day.

You could decide to spend a weekend in Sasso Marconi or discover it in passing with one of our tours:

Trekking on the Way of Gods: from Bologna to Firenze

What to see in Sasso Marconi

We have prepared a list of things not to be missed in Sasso Marconi to fully enjoy the beauty of this fascinating town framed by characteristic dry-stone walls. Why not decide to dedicate a day to discover the beauties of Sasso Marconi?

  • Villa Griffone
  • Santuario della Beata Vergine del Sasso
  • Church of San Lorenzo

And now let's set off together to discover the most incredible places in Sasso Marconi!

Villa Grifone

Villa Griffone, located in the center of the town, is known above all for being the birthplace of Guglielmo Marconi, as well as for its notable architecture. Inside, in fact, the famous Nobel Prize winner had begun to study electromagnetic transmission. Currently, the villa houses the Marconi Museum where it is possible to admire all the phases of his life and studies.

Santuario della Beata Vergine di Sasso

The Sanctuary represents the first Church of Sasso Marconi, built way back in 1283. It was decided to annex a Sanctuary to the small church in 1831, but its bell tower was also completed only at the end of the 19th century. In 1945, during the war, this was totally destroyed and was subsequently rebuilt 6 years later.
Currently the structure is composed of a central church, enclosed by a bell tower, and a civic tower.

Church of San Lorenzo

The Church of San Lorenzo is a particular building located in the northern part of the town. Initially built in a different place, then deconsecrated, the current church, now open to the public, was built around 1700. The unusual brick red and yellow ochre colors with which the façade is painted make it easily recognizable. This characteristic church is completed by a bell tower and a rectory.

What to do in Sasso Marconi - the Slow Active Tours proposal

The activities for locals and visitors in Sasso Marconi consist of the wonderful nature that surrounds this town.

Parco dei Gessi Bolognesi and Calanchi dell'Abbadessa

If you love walking along small paths immersed in rocky hills, surrounded by streams and waterways, this park is absolutely for you. Located on the hilly slopes of the Bolognese area, here it is possible to admire the wonderful outcrops of the Messinian chalks, as well as numerous natural caves and the famous badlands “Calanchi dell’Abbadessa”.

Excursion to Monte Adone

Another wonderful excursion that can be done in the area is certainly the one to Monte Adone. The summit can be reached on foot and at the top it is possible to admire some naturalistic attractions not to be missed, such as, for example, the "fairy cave" and the "Pozzo tunnel", as well as the mouth of numerous streams with crystal clear waters.

Via degli Dei

If you are a fan of walking, you will surely know that the Via degli Dei passes right through here. It is a wonderful route that unites Bologna and Florence through the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines that we propose in an 8-day itinerary.

Popular festivals and celebrations in Sasso Marconi

Despite its small size, Sasso Marconi hosts numerous events that liven up the life of the town.
“Atuttabirra” is one of the favorite events of the locals. It is celebrated at the end of July and, as you can imagine from the name, allows you to taste different types of craft beer, all accompanied by excellent music.
The Sdaz Fair, celebrated at the beginning of November, recalls the ancient peasant fairs and the traditions of the area, thanks to numerous stalls and demonstrations of popular songs and dances. The Tartufesta is celebrated on the last weekend of October and showcases the exquisite "Bolognese truffle", used in numerous different dishes.

Typical dishes of Sasso Marconi

The typical cuisine of Sasso Marconi mainly follows the regional tradition. Precisely for this reason, Bolognese mushrooms are widely used, grown in the hilly area, as well as numerous vegetables such as courgettes and tomatoes.
Obviously, the numerous typical cured meats of the area cannot be missing, including the very famous Mortadella PGI from Bologna.

Eating and drinking in Sasso Marconi

Among the many restaurants in the center of Sasso Marconi, we recommend some that are worth visiting:
Antica Trattoria La Grotta restaurant since 1918 in Mongardino street 52. Professionalism, attention to the customer and quality raw materials are the peculiarities that characterize this restaurant famous for its traditional dishes.
Osteria dei Sani in Porrettana street 324 D. Thanks to a selection of quality dishes and always new proposals, the Osteria dei Sani represents one of the favorite taverns of visitors and residents. Especially recommended for meat-based dishes.
Locanda 3 virtù in Albano Ponte street 97. The excellent location just outside the motorway toll booth, thanks also to its internal parking, attracts millions of diners to Locanda 3 Virtù every day. The excellent dishes and the friendly staff enrich everything.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your stuff ready and off you go!