Would you like to plan a trip to Sicily, but you do not know when to set off? Well, Sicily is certainly beautiful all year round! Plus, the pleasant climate also allows you to enjoy the beauty of this region in any season.

We suggest you, however, to take the occasion of a trip to participate in some of the most iconic events all over the South of Italy: this will make you discover the most authentic soul of Western Sicily.

Therefore, here is when to go to Sicily based on the most important events.

Spring in Western Sicily: what to do

Along the Western coast of the island, between Palermo and Trapani, the cultural ferment is continuous thanks to the numerous events which keep local traditions alive. If you do not know when to go to Sicily, spring could truly be the perfect solution, both for the pleasant climate and for the varied tourist and folkloristic offer.

With the arrival of the nice weather, the pleasure of staying outdoor, the recurrence of ancient traditions and the creativity of local people merge together to let you discover the authentic Western Sicily. Among the many events you cannot miss we can mention:

  • the Festival of Kites in San Vito Lo Capo (Trapani): this event is a triumph of colours and fun. Everybody, adults and kids, staring upwards, follow the flight of the kites, symbol of freedom par excellence. Exhibitions and acrobatic kite competitions are planned, in addition to the shows of kite fireworks. All this takes place on one of the most beautiful beaches in the South of Italy.
  • the Flower Festivals: “sciuri, sciuri” (“flowers, flowers”) is the refrain of a famous Sicilian folk song… and it would not be spring without flowers! In many Sicilian villages they become the protagonists of true artworks: splendid images realized with colourful petals embellish the streets and attract numerous visitors. Among the most famous flower festivals we can mention those of Termini Imerese in May and of Castelbuono in June.
  • the Mediterranean Trade Fair in Mondello: the most famous marina of Palermo is the theatre of one of the most important historic fairs in Italy. Here you will discover all the Sicilian excellences and not only: from food to the local craftmanship, from art to fashion, there are really many exhibitors from all over the world!

Sun, sea and events: Sicily in summer

Sicily is commonly associated to summer vacation. The splendid beaches of the island are, indeed, very popular among tourists who look forward an active holiday and, at the same time, fully relaxing in front of the sea, and who have no doubts about when to go to Sicily. Moreover, in summer many events enliven Sicilian nightlife, including food fairs and traditional celebrations. Here are some examples:

  • the Celebration of Saint Rosalia in Palermo: the religious tradition of the Sicilian chief town has its maximum expression in the celebrations dedicated to the Saint Patron. A mix of holy rites, music, excellent food and culture animates the streets of Palermo during the most loved celebration by the local inhabitants, which take place every year in July.
  • the food fairs: there is plenty for every taste and in every season! Summer certainly is a period rich in events, thought for the numerous tourists which come to the island for their seaside vacation. Among all, we would like to mention the Orange Fair in Scillato, a medieval village in the province of Palermo, which deserves to be visited. Delicious and succulent, Sicilian citrus fruit is a true Italian pride!
  • Stragusto in Trapani: unmissable date with the tastes of the most authentic Western Sicily, this festival of street food and markets is a heaven on heart for food lovers. Here you will have the opportunity to taste the best delicatessen of the Mediterranean tradition, accompanying them with excellent wines. Read also the article dedicated to the Western Sicilian specialties.

Traditions and suggestions: autumn in Western Sicily

When should you go to Sicily to witness the triumph of the local traditions? Certainly, in autumn, when the most important cultural events take place, awakening the most authentic soul of Western Sicily. In this season you cannot miss:

  • the Cous Cous Fest in San Vito Lo Capo: homeland of cous cous alla trapanese, San Vito Lo Capo hosts every year the festival dedicated to this popular food specialty, symbol of the cultural mix which has always characterised the island.
  • Trapani Medievale: at the beginning of November in Trapani a suggestive historical re-enactment in Medieval costumes takes place. The event has been inspired by a sadly known historic fact, the death of little Manfredi, son of Fredrich III king of Sicily, that happened exactly here. You will feel like you are doing a jump in the past, since all the alleyways of the village will be enlivened by hundreds of figurants. A rich program of shows and guided tours is also planned.
  • Festival di Morgana in Palermo: a true diffuse theatre is what takes place every year in Palermo on occasion of the Festival di Morgana. Numerous shows by Italian and international theatre companies are represented in different places of the Sicilian chief town, making Palermo a prominent cultural pole.

Authentic Western Sicily: the events in winter

Do you love the suggestions of the past and the originality of different cultures? You do not need to wonder when to go to Sicily: in winter, here, you will have the possibility to discover the timeless magic of Christmas and the cultural richness of the island. Here are the most iconic events:

  • the live Nativity scenes: reproducing the atmospheres and the ancient jobs of two thousand years ago, the live Nativity scenes project the visitors in an almost surreal atmosphere. The most famous ones in the province of Palermo are those of Ispica and Gangi, one of the most beautiful towns in Italy.
  • Carnival of Piana degli Albanesi (Palermo): let you be enchanted by the traditional dances and by the typical costumes of the Albanian community who inhabits Piana degli Albanesi. Carnival in this town in the province of Palermo is truly unique!
  • Chocolate Fest in Castellamare del Golfo (Trapani): dulcis in fundo, you cannot miss one of the many events dedicated to chocolate. In Castellamare del Golfo it takes place in February with tastings and workshops, but similar events are organised all year round in the territory of Western Sicily.

Choose your travel period based on the events you do not absolutely want to miss: Slow Active Tours does the rest! We help you to plan a Western Sicily Walking Holiday rich in experiences and customizable!